Amanda Hudson has been a lifelong artist since painting and drawing next to her father’s drafting table starting at 4 years of age. During high school, she took as many art studio hours as possible and upon graduation immediately applied to the Montana State University School of Art and Architecture. Amanda’s 2nd love, fitness, led her to ski competitively during her high school and college years.
After graduating with a BS in Kinesiology and a BFA in painting and printmaking she then decided to hang up her ski career and go full force in the art arena and went on to Cranbrook Academy of Art and Architecture where she spent a year working towards her printmaking residency under the direction of master printmaker Steve Murakishi and shortly after transferred to the American Academy of Art in Rome, Italy.
After obtaining her MFA in 1994, Amanda has worked in the fields of art and fitness. Her social media handles jokingly state that she loves to use both sides of her brain ;-)
For 20 years Amanda has owned and operated a private strength and conditioning studio alongside her painting studio. She has participated in many notable competitions and solo shows and has had the privilege of contributing to The Larry King Heart Foundation, The Tom Cruise Help Foundation, and The Amit Los Angeles Foundation, all for many consecutive years.
Amanda now paints on a full-time basis and continues to help support many causes near and dear to her heart, mainly the Humane Society. She is currently showing and continually represented by The Building Gallery in New Orleans, and The Cucuron Shop also in New Orleans.